NYC Moms, we need your help! Photographer Corinne Botz is looking for moms who frequent different types of pumping rooms and spaces in the New York Tri-State area. The pumping rooms can include work, retail, stadiums, airports and more! Here is a special message from Corinne:
"I’m a Brooklyn based fine art photographer seeking volunteers for a project photographing lactation rooms. I’m recording official and informal lactation rooms. Each participant receives an 8”x10” photograph. Lactation rooms are everyday spaces that embody deeply felt subjective experiences of motherhood.
Symbolically and materially, expressed milk is a substitute for the mother’s physical presence and emotional intimacy when separated from her child. By making lactation rooms visible I will initiate an important conversation about the personal and socio-economic challenges surrounding contemporary motherhood. I’m drawn to these solitary spaces taking on a collective power through the accumulation of photographs. The project will create a public discourse concerning the politics of care, foster interconnection, and counter sexist narratives."
You can reach out to Corinne directly at: or let Moms Pump Here know you're interested and we will put you in touch. (Photos by Corinne Botz)
"I’m a Brooklyn based fine art photographer seeking volunteers for a project photographing lactation rooms. I’m recording official and informal lactation rooms. Each participant receives an 8”x10” photograph. Lactation rooms are everyday spaces that embody deeply felt subjective experiences of motherhood.
Symbolically and materially, expressed milk is a substitute for the mother’s physical presence and emotional intimacy when separated from her child. By making lactation rooms visible I will initiate an important conversation about the personal and socio-economic challenges surrounding contemporary motherhood. I’m drawn to these solitary spaces taking on a collective power through the accumulation of photographs. The project will create a public discourse concerning the politics of care, foster interconnection, and counter sexist narratives." Please don’t hesitate with any questions. Thanks so much for considering this! I can be reached directly at: