Universal Islands of Adventure Orlando |
Universal Studios Islands of Adventure has a dedicated baby care room (nursing area) and a companion restroom available at Family Services. It's a part of the Universal Studios Park Orlando in general and popular destination for families visiting central Florida.
It's located at First Aid in Universal's Islands of Adventure, and if you need help other moms who've visited the area said the staff are trained to be knowledgeable regarding nursing mothers and curteous of their breastfeeding & expressing needs.
Mom Nasreen S. wrote:
Steer clear of the entire Harry Potter area if you want privacy. By far the most crowded area of the park there is an audience wherever you go. Step a little outside of the Harry Potter zone and you will be near Sinbad’s Village. There is a first aid center there. They were extremely courteous and even gave me a little exam room with a rocker and plugs to go into to nurse my daughter. If the rooms are full there is a seating area in the lobby that is still private. This is your best bet if you are pumping. Other hideaway spots I found were the If I Ran the Zoo playground in Seuss Landing. This rambling area has plenty of areas to sit with your little one. Just be sure that you aren’t in range of any of the toys that shoot water! If you are near the Incredible Hulk coaster there are multiple benches and a patio area with tables and chairs. The constant wooshing as the coaster went by proved especially handy as naptime white noise."
Review from mom, Robyn (01/15/16): "Used the app to find this amazing pump room at islands of adventure! So accommodating! They even stored my pump bag and cooler bag (in fridge) all day for free!" Photo Credit: Robyn Reeves
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