NYC Human Resources Administration Building #10 on Dekalb Ave Brooklyn |
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位置/説明 NYC Human Resources Administration Building #10 on Dekalb Ave Brooklyn has a lactation room on the first floor. Breastfeeding and breast pumping mothers do not need to worry about waiting long for this quiet and private area to be available. It's accessible by a key code you get from the staff and is usually not very busy, so each mom get in and get out in a comfortable aount of time. The room has a comfy chair, wall outlet, can be locked while you're using it, and a changing table to clean up your baby. NYC lactation rooms status? - This is one of several NYC Gov lactation rooms open to nursing moms from the general public. #nycgovlactationrooms | ||||
First floor lactation room 500 Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn , New York
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