BB&T (Florida Panthers stadium) DOES NOT provide a dedicated nursing mothers room to help breastfeeding and breastpumping moms at games and events.
Nursing mom's options for now is either openly breastfeed which state of Florida legally allow you to do or use the first aid station.
First Aid Locations:
First Aid stations can be found on the Plaza Level, outside Section 121 or the Mezzanine Level, outside Section 421.
Note: This is NOT one of the official or proper dedicated NHL nursing rooms.
Note: State of Florida protects nursing mothers right to publicly breastfeed whenever and wherever she may be in public or private places without fear of harassment.
This NHL team and others have been contacted about creating proper hockey stadium nursing rooms.
Note: Report mom-shaming or harassment while nursing in public or near lactation rooms (breastfeeding rooms), at Moms Pump Here mobile site