The Emporium shopping centre in Melbourne, Victoria has a spacious nursing mothers lounge (Parents room) for breastfeeding and breast pumping moms, complete with flat screen TV's and play area for toddlers. Located on Level 3 of the mall.
There are multiple nursing stalls with comfortable seating and each has its own privacy curtain. This area is for moms who choose more privacy bersus open brestfeeding and those who need to breastpump milk for infants.
Mom Jo wrote:
"The Parents Room is situated on Level 3 and is spacious, modern and very clean. There's a separate area for changing your baby with hand cleanser, 2 microwaves for heating bottles and food and a carpeted gated spacious area housing private feeding 'rooms' and comfy chairs. What I like most about this Parents room is there's a large unisex toilet/family toilet that's big enough to wheel your pram in to. What it lacks is something for a toddler or older child to do when you're feeding or changing your baby. There is a large TV on the wall which was switched off on our visit."

#bfaus, #melbournevictoria