I'm convinced - there is no such thing as balance as a mom. I think balance is this elusive carrot society dangles in front of our faces saying, "you can have it all and feel sane."
I don't know who's making up these rules or guidelines for moms but there is no way to stay sane breastfeeding every 2 hours, cleaning the house, working on our next big ideas, staying in touch with friends, feeding our family, loosing those few extra pounds and looking like a sex kitten for your partner.
In some weird multi-verse there are perhaps women who can do it all and feel even keel but not in this one. There is no such thing as balance when you're a mom. What is balance anyway?? A scale we step on? A deep breath? Quite time? Happiness? Balance doesn't equal any of these things. Moms are trying to get through each day with the kids intact and some sort of sanity at the end of the day. Balance is also society's way of putting pressure on women who have to do it all.
Can you imagine being a single mom to several kids, earning a 6 figure salary, maintaining a date life, maintaining a clean house and keeping up with after school activities? Where is there balance in that? Society thinks women who are successful obtain balance but in reality they're only trying to hold everything together like the rest of us.
I really do think the alternative word here needs to be happiness...not balance. Happiness comes from within and can be found in the most peculiar moments. It can be found alone at the supermarket or in that second cup of coffee. Happiness can be found in the nap you take while your baby naps. Happiness can be found when your feet hit the floor in the morning.
Let's get real with ourselves. When parenting, moms do not need to chase balance...they need to harvest happiness! Find your happiness wherever and whenever you can. Don't let it go!