Tips and advice for moms on breastfeeding, breast pumping, and parenting.
Nursing mothers traveling, working, or residing in Illinois got a big boost from Governor Bruce Rauner this week when he endorsed the law which requires all large airports (listed in our airport nursing rooms locator) to create or add breastfeeding rooms by 2017.
...A woman breastfeeding her child was recently asked to “do it in the bathroom” when she was approached by personnel from Parrot Island Water Park in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
...I think we’ve all been there. Your waitress has just brought your food to the table, you’re about to take your first bite, and a young family sits down in the booth next to yours. Their toddler bumps your seat, reaches for your side of the booth, or is just plain noisy during the meal.
...Support for breastfeeding women is certainly growing. This week, a note on Facebook by the group “Breastfeeding Mama Talk” has sparked even more interest by showing the support breastfeeding women receive from retailer giant Target.
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