Tips and advice for moms on breastfeeding, breast pumping, and parenting.
1. Myth: It’s Normal for Nipples to Hurt
Breastfeeding does not have to hurt. Nipples can and will feel sore if you're breastfeeding your newborn every couple of hours and especially when they start teething but there are ways to ease the discomfort or pain.
Does climate change affect maternal mothers? I have to be honest with you climate change has never really been a thought for me, but as I am sitting here writing this we are currently in the midst of something called a Polar Vortex, (large area of low pressure and cold air surrounding both of the Earth's poles) often associated with large outbreaks of Arctic air in the United States.
...My dad makes a joke..."it was so much easier when his partner was on vacation and I could use his office." Easier for who?? For you who it doesnt affect at all since you stay in the room? A few weeks ago the office manager turned to me and said, you always talk about having a pumping space, where would you even put it?
...授乳中または搾乳中のお母さんは、自分の時間はほとんどなく、授乳用ブラの手入れをする時間はさらに少なくなります。気を付けないと、腐った牛乳のようなにおいがしたり、シミだらけになったり、肌に刺激を与えたりしますが、それでも一日のほとんどを着用する必要があります.母乳で胸が膨らんだとき、授乳ブラは正気を保つための生命線です。 2時間おきの授乳が楽になるので、服を脱ぐ必要がありません。
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