Dineen Hall at Syracuse University College of Law (nursing room for moms on campus) provide a dedicated lactation room where campus moms can stop in to pump breast milk or nurse their baby. This breastfeeding room should be reserved through Ronald Denby (443.9409) or Nicole Daniel-Freeman (443.3257). Ronald or Nicole can provide directions to the room.
Lactation Space is equipped with these Amenities:
- Chair
- Table
- Electrical outlet
- Hand soap
- Paper towels
- Trash can
- Sink
For assistance in identifying a lactation space closest to your work area, please contact the University Wellness Initiative at 315.443.5472 or .
Breast Pump Coverage The SU Medical Benefits Plan covers breast pumps for new mothers. You may receive a pump at $0 copay if you purchase or rent an eligible model from a participating supplier of durable medical equipment. A prescription for the equipment may be required.

Note: Report mom-shaming or harassment while nursing in public or near lactation rooms (breastfeeding rooms), at Moms Pump Here mobile site https://www.momspumphere.com
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