The Breastfeeding Emoji is FINALLY Here and nursing moms everywhere are collectively here for it. Apple has finally unveiled a breastfeeding emoji and we don't know why it took them so long, but we're seriously glad it's now on our phones??
In a report from CNN, Apple teased a bunch of new emojis in celebration of World Emoji Day (seriously- we got a day for everything now lol). The new emojis include a woman wearing a head scarf, yoga, having your mind blown and more. Among them was an image of a woman breastfeeding. Ironically, it's a conservative emoji not showing any boobage.
Public breastfeeding has come a long way in the last few years. Last year Apple created a pregnancy emoji. Now they've taken it one step further with breastfeeding. Definitely a welcomed sight as we continue to normalize breastfeeding and discuss the benefits.
Next month is National Breastfeeding Month and World Breastfeeding Week - perfect timing!!