We at Moms Pump Here have written several times on the topic of "lactivism" and even quoted the book with the same title. We are not fans of pushing mothers to breastfeed but we consider ourselves advocates who want moms to be able to make an informed, comfortable decision about breastfeeding, breast pumping, or formula feeding.
Psychology Today's Dr. Darcia Narvaez has taken a stand against breastfeeding being an option, though. She agrees with us at Moms Pump Here that breastmilk is best, but she takes her drive a bit further. "What is advocated in the book Lactivism is placing mother's rights over baby's rights. Babies' needs are made secondary to women's needs to be feminist."
While Dr. Narvaez is asserting that breastfeeding is an otion for mom because she can choose not to do it. Formula is available and can provide adequate nutrition for her baby, but Dr. Narvaez states that "breastfeeding is not an otpion for a child who wants to grow optimally." She is almost stating that to be breastfed should be every baby's birth right.
Breastfeeding was very important to me and I made every effot I could to make it happen for my three children. Were there tears? Yes. Were there a lot of painful moments, both physically and emotionally? Absolutely. Did everything happen as magically as it is depicted in the mainstream media? Hell no. Making it work was my choice and working as hard as possible to make sure it worked -- was also my choice. I'm thankful I had that choice made available to me.
What about the moms who are not successful with breastfeeding? What about the moms who are heartbroken that breastfeeding did not work for them? Are they taking away the rights of their babies by turning to formula to help them survive? We moms already receive enough guilt and negative feedback from society, we do not need someone telling us we are failing our babies by not giving them breastfeeding experiences adequately.
What do you think? Should breastfeeding be the only option?